PlantWorks Ltd Complaints Procedure

1. Introduction

At PlantWorks Ltd, we value our customers and strive to ensure that everyone has a positive experience with our products and services.  However, we recognize that occasionally things can go wrong.  This document outlines our complaints procedure to ensure that any issues are addressed efficiently and effectively.

2. How to Make a Complaint

2.1 Initial Contact

If you have a complaint, please contact us as soon as possible.  You can reach us through the following channels:

– Email:

– Phone: 01795 411527 Option 1/2

– Mail: PlantWorks Ltd

           Unit 930 Cornforth Drive  Kent Science Park  Sittingbourne  Kent   ME9 8PX

Please provide the following information when making your complaint:

– Your name and contact details

– A detailed description of your complaint

– Any relevant documentation (e.g., receipts, photos)

2.2 Acknowledgment

We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days of receipt.

3. Handling Your Complaint

3.1 Investigation

Your complaint will be thoroughly investigated by a member of our team.  We aim to complete this investigation within five working days.  If the investigation takes longer, we will keep you informed of our progress and the expected completion date.

3.2 Resolution

Once the investigation is complete, we will contact you with our findings and proposed resolution. This may include:

– An explanation and/or apology

– Information on any corrective action taken

– Compensation or a goodwill gesture, if appropriate

4. Complaints About Damaged Goods in Transit

4.1 Reporting Damaged Goods

If you receive goods that are damaged in transit, please report the issue to us within 48 hours of receipt. You can report damaged goods through:

– Email:

– Phone: 01795 411527 Option 1/2

– Mail: PlantWorks Ltd

            Unit 930 Cornforth Drive  Kent Science Park  Sittingbourne  Kent  ME9 8PX

Please provide the following information when reporting damaged goods:

– Your name and contact details

– Order number

– Description of the damage

– Photographs of the damaged goods and packaging – to include images of exterior of the box the products were delivered in, the interior of the box, the damaged product and any internal packaging

4.2 Investigation and Resolution

Upon receiving your report of damaged goods, we will:

– Acknowledge your report within two working days

– Investigate the cause of the damage

– Arrange for a replacement or credit note within two working days

If we require additional information or need to inspect the damaged goods, we will contact you to arrange this.

5. If You Are Not Satisfied

5.1 Escalation

If you are not satisfied with the resolution, you may request that your complaint be escalated to a Senior Manager.  Please contact us and explain why you are not satisfied with the initial resolution.

5.2 External Review

If you remain dissatisfied after following our internal complaints procedure, you may seek an external review.

6. Monitoring and Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our products and services.  All complaints are logged and analysed to identify any recurring issues or trends.  This helps us to address root causes and prevent future complaints.

7. Confidentiality

All complaints are treated with the utmost confidentiality.  Your personal information will only be shared with those involved in the investigation and resolution of your complaint.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions about our complaint’s procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us:

– Email:

– Phone: 01795 411527 Option 1/2

– Mail: PlantWorks Ltd

            Unit 930 Cornforth Drive  Kent Science Park  Sittingbourne  Kent  ME9 8PX

Thank you for helping us improve our services.